The National Coordination Meeting on Procurement at Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) was opened by the President of the Republic of Indonesia HE Joko Widodo (Jokowi). The event was initiated by the Indonesian Government Procurement Policy Agency. The theme of the meeting was “Transformation of Supervision in the Digital Era for Excellent Human Resources Towards Progressing Indonesia.” In his remarks, President Jokowi requested that more domestic products be included in the catalog of goods and services offered. According to him, the catalog must be Indonesian First. The President reminded his audience that the procurement of goods and services should be executed as early as possible since a delay in the procurement process may cause distrust of the state budget and affect the economic growth. If money does not revolve and the economy does not grow, the people will suffer. Present as resource persons during the national coordination meeting was HE Tjahjo Kumolo - Minister for Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform and HE Soeharso Manoarfa - Minister for National Development Planning. The two-day meeting was attended by 3700 participants representing all ministries, and regional governments of 34 provinces and 415 regencies in the country.